UTAH National Board Coalition
The Utah National Board Coalition is a network affiliate of The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. As an NBPTS network we work alongside National Board around the shared vision of building the educator continuum around National Board certification, promote teacher leadership and advance accomplished teaching.
Research shows that students taught by Board-certified teachers learn more than students taught by other teachers.
Teachers who have gone through the Board certification process say that it is the most valuable and transformative professional development they have ever received.
The opportunity to connect professional learning with classroom practice brings to life a teacher’s experience, helping them reflect on individual student learning needs.
The standards represent a consensus among educators about what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do.
The journey can be completed in 1-3 years at your own pace and includes 4 components.
The Utah State Board of Education provides scholarships to pay for each component.
Once certified, educators receive an annual stipend of $2,000 for title 1 and $1,000 for non-title 1 educators.
Earn 3 USBE lane change credits for cohort participation and component submission (up to 9 total credits).
Many individual districts also offer additional stipends for NBCTs- check your local district salary schedule.

Thank you to Governor Cox and the Utah Legislature for your support of Utah teachers
and National Board Certification.
Fee Pre-Payment and Stipend
Pre-payment of NBPTS fees are through the Utah State Board of Education. USBE also pays salary supplements to National Board Certified Teachers. The Utah National Board Coalition is not part of USBE; we do not process or handle fees or salary supplements in any way. However, we have provided some information and links below.
Applications for fees pre-payment are accepted from July 1 - January 31 for the current certification cycle. Awards are announced in February. Fee pre-payment is not guaranteed and is contingent upon funding provided by the legislature. We recommend applying before Oct. 31.
Applications for the yearly salary stipend are accepted between October 1 and April 30. For newly certified teachers, we recommend applying as soon as you certify in December. Once you earn your certification, you have to verify your certification each year. We recommend doing this as soon as the window opens on Oct. 1.
Learn more about the USBE pre-payment and stipend process and qualifications here
Fee Pre-Payment Instructions here
Apply for National Board Fees Pre-Payment here